Safe City Solutions
It is now easier than ever for local government authorities to meet the public’s needs and ensure operational integrity, safety for citizens, and the security of the city’s key sites. Accumulate, combine, analyze, and group diverse datasets from a wide range of sources in real time or retrospectively.
With AxxonSoft's Safe City Solution, Authorities Can:
- Monitor key city infrastructure in real time.
- Ensure accurate, timely situational awareness for security and law enforcement, utilizing advanced government security systems.
- View video feeds received from city surveillance cameras, irrespective of distance from the control center, as well as inform relevant agencies and stakeholders in case of emergency.
- Reconstruct events based on recorded video and audio, enhancing the capabilities of city video surveillance.
- Forward video by request or automatically.
- Integrate physical security equipment with other automated systems.
AxxonSoft Features and Technologies for Safe Cities
Axxon PSIM combines intelligent video analytics, universal IP connectivity, and event-driven automation capabilities in a single environment. In Safe City projects, Axxon PSIM acts as a distributed information system with control centers, which combines existing subsystems with new ones, including smart city features.
Impressive features for distributed systems:
- Unlimited number of video servers and cameras, supporting city security cameras.
- Remote video monitoring and administration, ensuring city video surveillance.
- Ability to install any number of local or remote workstations, enhancing the scalability of public safety cameras.
- Integration of video surveillance with other capabilities, such as law enforcement software solutions.
- Support for 10,000+ models of IP cameras, including those used in government building security systems.
Integration with any IP devices such as call boxes, security intercoms, or information and emergency points installed in city streets, which can be configured to activate emergency calls to the dispatch center or trigger local cameras to start recording, enabling public safety solution.
Simultaneously manage all equipment regardless of its type or manufacturer: ACS, FSA, PIDS systems, OPC, BACnet, SNMP, and Modbus protocols, GIS, engineering equipment, building automation systems, industrial automation applications, and other external systems.
Record traffic violations and issue traffic fines. Check recognized license plate numbers against federal and regional stolen vehicle databases. Optimize traffic flows using the traffic statistics.
Investigate crimes and find video footage of specific activities, such as checking the regularity of trash pick-up and monitoring snow removal. Quickly find event video footage that matches custom criteria, such as line crossing or motion in zone, object size and color, etc. Find faces that match a picture. Apply AI analytics to detect and then search for specific types of objects, such as humans or vehicles, enhancing crime investigation and smart city surveillance capabilities.
Connect a set of monitors to act as a single screen. Fit all the necessary data from integrated systems on a video wall. Manage the monitor layouts, assign them to selected PCs, and remotely switch layouts on PCs, creating video walls based on one or more monitoring workstations without the use of dedicated video wall controllers.
Monitor multiple sites in different locations remotely via a web interface. This may be used for setting up monitoring workstations at city/regional police departments or any other relevant agencies, utilizing cloud monitoring for enhanced city security.
Safe City Setup and Deployment
The setup and deployment of a Safe City system depend on the needs of the client (generally, the City administration) as well as the scale and objectives of the system.
The technical hub acts as a clearing house and district monitoring center.
At the heart of the system is the Safe City control center that receives and stores data from all the district-level segments, ensuring a comprehensive implementation of smart city surveillance.
Discover the cities that deployed Safe City: Smart City Surveillance Solution
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